My Sushi Story Mod Apk v4.1.12 (Unlimited Money) ApkOnline

Become a Sushi Master in My Sushi Story Mod Apk!

My Sushi Story Mod Apk is a fun and free-to-play mobile game for Android and iOS that puts you in charge of all aspects of your virtual sushi empire, from preparing delicious dishes to keeping customers happy.

Overview of My Sushi Story Mod Apk

  • Manage your very own sushi restaurant
  • Craft a wide variety of Japanese and international cuisine
  • Hire and train staff
  • Upgrade your facilities and decor
  • Earn a reputation for delicious food and impeccable service


Welcome to the world of My Sushi Story, where you’ll take the reins of a fledgling sushi restaurant. Your goal? To transform it into a renowned culinary destination! But the path to sushi stardom won’t be a walk in the park. You’ll need to master a variety of skills to keep your customers coming back for more.

Become a Sushi Savant

My Sushi Story offers a vast menu featuring hundreds of dishes, not just sushi! Experiment with classic Japanese fare like sashimi, tempura, and ramen. Expand your horizons with international favorites like grilled steak and decadent desserts. The variety is astounding, ensuring there’s something to tantalize every taste bud.

From Humble Beginnings to Grand Designs

Your restaurant won’t start as a Michelin-starred establishment. But fear not! My Sushi Story allows you to upgrade your facilities and decor, transforming your space from a simple eatery to a luxurious dining experience. Invest in new equipment, expand your seating area, and create an ambiance that reflects your unique style.

Happy Staff, Happy Customers

Running a successful restaurant is all about teamwork. My Sushi Story allows you to hire and train a team of employees to help you manage the day-to-day operations. Train your staff well, and they’ll become invaluable assets, ensuring smooth service and satisfied customers.

Building a Reputation for Success

In the world of restaurants, reputation is everything. My Sushi Story lets you track your customer satisfaction. Serve up delectable dishes, provide attentive service, and create a welcoming atmosphere, and you’ll soon see your reputation soar. With a loyal following of patrons, your sushi restaurant will be on the fast track to success!

My Sushi Story Mod Apk

Dive Deep into Deliciousness: My Sushi Story Mod Apk Feature Feast

Become a Culinary Maestro:

  • Masterful Menu: Craft a staggering array of dishes! Go beyond sushi with hundreds of Japanese classics like ramen and tempura, or explore international favorites like grilled steak and decadent desserts.
  • Dish Discovery: Constantly expand your menu by unlocking new recipes, ensuring your restaurant caters to every taste.

My Sushi Story Mod Apk; Restaurant Renaissance:

  • Upgrade Frenzy: Transform your restaurant from a humble eatery to a luxurious haven. Invest in new equipment, expand your seating area, and unlock new areas like private rooms and a conveyor belt sushi hall.
  • Decorative Dreams: Unleash your inner interior designer! Choose from a variety of furniture styles to create unique and inviting spaces for your patrons.

Staff Synergy:

  • Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Recruit and train a team of chefs and waitstaff. The better you train them, the smoother your service will run, leading to happier customers.
  • Employee Expertise: Invest in your staff’s development by upgrading their skills. A well-trained team is an efficient team!

Reputation Rake in:

  • Customer Satisfaction Gauge: Keep your finger on the pulse of your customer’s happiness. Positive reviews will build your reputation and attract new patrons.
  • Marketing Mastery: Utilize various in-game methods to promote your restaurant and draw in the crowds.

Beyond the Basics:

  • High Freedom Gameplay: Experiment with different business models and implement creative management strategies to find your path to success.
  • Character Connections: Meet a cast of quirky characters, each with their own story to tell. Build relationships and discover how they can help your restaurant flourish.

My Sushi Story Mod Apk

You can also download the World War Polygon Apk.

My Sushi Story Mod Apk: Frequently Asked Questions

General Gameplay

What kind of restaurant do I run in My Sushi Story?

While sushi is a major focus, you can create a well-rounded menu featuring Japanese classics like ramen and tempura, alongside international favorites.

Is My Sushi Story free to play?

Yes, My Sushi Story is free to play on both Android and iOS devices.

What’s the ultimate goal of the game?

Transform your restaurant from a starter establishment into a renowned culinary destination with a loyal customer base and a stellar reputation.

Menu and Dishes

How many dishes can I create?

My Sushi Story boasts hundreds of dishes to unlock and add to your menu, offering a vast selection to satisfy diverse palates.

Do I only cook Japanese food?

No, while there’s a strong focus on Japanese cuisine, you can also explore international options to create a more varied menu.

How do I unlock new recipes?

New recipes are unlocked through gameplay progression, allowing you to constantly expand your culinary repertoire.

Restaurant Management

Can I upgrade my restaurant’s facilities?

Absolutely! Invest in new equipment, expand your seating area, and unlock special areas like private rooms and a conveyor belt sushi hall.

How do I decorate my restaurant?

My Sushi Story offers a variety of furniture styles. Unleash your inner designer and create unique and inviting spaces for your customers.

Do I have staff to help me run the restaurant?

Yes! You can hire and train chefs and waitstaff. A well-trained team is key to smooth service and happy customers.

Reputation and Marketing

How important is customer satisfaction?

Crucially important! Positive reviews build your reputation, attract new customers, and contribute to your overall success.

Are there ways to promote my restaurant?

Yes, My Sushi Story offers in-game marketing tools to help you draw in the crowds and build your brand awareness.

Additional Information of My Sushi Story Mod Apk

Is there a lot of freedom in how I manage my restaurant?

My Sushi Story offers high-level freedom. Experiment with different business models and implement creative management strategies to find your path to success.

Are there characters to interact with within the game?

Yes! You’ll meet a cast of quirky characters, each with their own story. Build relationships with them and discover how they can benefit your restaurant.

Does My Sushi Story receive updates?

The developers frequently add new features to keep the gameplay fresh and exciting.

Download link / Mirror link 

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